Important Information anyone may request information from the Glencoe Park District by postal mail, electronic-mail, online or in person.

FOIA Request Options

The Glencoe Park District Freedom of Information Act Officers:

Erika Doroghazi, Administrative Manager
999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL
(847) 835-7531

Lisa Sheppard, Executive Director
999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL
(847) 835-7530

Compliance with Public Act 97-0609 (5ILCS 120/7.3)
Contact (847) 835-3030 for information.


Photos and video footage may be taken of participants in a class, during a special event or at the District's park and facilities. These photographs are for Park District publications, fliers, brochures, posters, or online use. All photos and videos taken on Park District property are for Park District use and become its sole property. If you do not wish to be part of photos or videos, please notify Park District staff at that time. For further information, please call the Park District's Marketing and Communications Manager at (847) 835-3030.

Public Records / FOIA

Click on the appropriate arrow to see the complete list of documents.

Resolutions and Ordinances

Ordinance 700 UPDATED 2024 Conduct Ordinance

Resolution 960 Fund Balance Transfer for Capital Projects

Resolution 959 Jenny Runkel 10 Years of Service

Ordinance 958 Tax Levy

Ordinance 957 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 956 Truth in Taxation

Resolution 955 Brad Janis 25 Years of Service

Resolution 954 Local Efficiency Committee

Resolution 953 Commissioner Service - Lisa M. Brooks

Resolution 952 Erin Classen 10 Years of Service

Ordinance 951 Budget and Appropriations

Resolution 950 Lisa Sheppard 10 Years of Service

Resolution 949 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Resolution 948 Taste for Kids Contract Renewal for Children's Circle Food Services

Ordinance 947 Tax Abatement Levied to Pay Debt Service on General Obligation Park Refunding Bonds

Ordinance 946 Tax Levy

Ordinance 856 (Updated) Reimbursement of Travel, Meal, and Lodging Expenses Policy

Resolution 945 Truth in Taxation Law

Ordinance 944 Budget and Appropriations Amendment

Ordinance 943 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 700 Conduct Ordinance Updated 9/13/2022

Resolution 942 Bill Eldridge Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 941 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Ordinance 940 Budget and Appropriations

Ordinance 939 Budget and Appropriations

Resolution 938 Lauren Kinsey 10 Years of Service

Resolution 937 Rose Pepe 15 Years of Service

Resolution 936 Sale of Property - 310 South Avenue

Resolution 935 Tom McDonald Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 934 Health Insurance IMRF Earning

Ordinance 933 Tax Levy

Ordinance 932 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 931 Emergency Catering Contract

Resolution 930 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 929 Idle Free

Resolution 928 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Resolution 927 BMO Harris Bank Resolution

Resolution 926 John Cutrera Named IMRF Authorized Agent

Resolution 925 Carol Mensinger Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 924 Anthony Marx 10 Years of Service

Resolution 923 Commissioner Service - Josh Lutton

Resolution 922 Commissioner Service - Dudley Onderdonk

Ordinance 921 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Ordinance 920 Tax Levy Ordinance

Resolution 919 Agreement for Coronavirus Relief Funds with Cook County

Ordinance 918 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 917 Truth in Taxation Law

Ordinance 916 Providing for the issue of $4,355,000 General Obligation Limited Tax Park Bonds

Resolution 915 Carol Mensinger 20 Years of Service

Resolution 914 Benefit Protection Leave for COVID-19 Related Furlough Time

Resolution 913 Committing to Apply for Fast Track Grant - Takiff Mechanicals

Resolution 912 Committing Local Funds to Fast Track Grant - Duke Park

Resolution 911 Temp Rules Regarding Public Comment During Governor's DoE

Resolution 910 Temp Rules for Use of Parks/Property During Governor's DoE

Ordinance 909 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 908 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Ordinance 907 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 906 Tax Levy Ordinance

Resolution 905 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 904 2019 Gold Medal Grand Award Winner

Resolution 903 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 902 Sale of Linden House - 223 Linden Ave, Lot 1

Resolution 901 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Resolution 900 BMO Harris Bank Resolution

Resolution 899 Commissioner Service - Robert W. Kimble

Ordinance 898 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Resolution 897 Rogelio Aviles 10 Years of Service

Resolution 896 Acquisition of Property with NSSRA

Ordinance 895 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 894 Chicago Metropolitan Agency Grant

Resolution 893 Cook County Dept of Transportation and Highways Invest in Cook Grant

Resolution 892 IDNR Bicycle Path Grant

Ordinance 891 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 890 Lorise Weil 15 Years of Service

Ordinance 889 Tax Levy Ordinance

Resolution 888 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 887 Brad Janis 20 Years of Service

Resolution 886 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Resolution 885 Commissioner Service - Steven H. Gaines

Ordinance 884 Prevailing Wage 2018 - Updated Wages Effective 5/3/2019

Ordinance 883 Supplemental Appropriation FY2018-2019

Resolution 882 BMO Harris Bank Resolution

Resolution 881 Bill Eldridge 30 Years of Service

Ordinance 880 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Ordinance 879 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 878 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 877 Sexual Harassment Policy Ordinance

Ordinance 876 Tax Levy Ordinance

Ordinance 875 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 874 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 873 Commitment of Funds to Capital Projects

Ordinance 872 Prevailing Wage 2017

Ordinance 871 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 870 BMO Harris Bank Resolution

Resolution 869 Commissioner Service - Andre Lerman

Resolution 868 Roberta Shore Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 867 Patricia Boudreaux Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 866 Kathleen Kraemer Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 865 Commissioner Service - Seth Palatnik

Ordinance 864 Ethics Ordinance - Amended

Ordinance 863 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Resolution 862 Tom McDonald 20 Years of Service

Resolution 861 Rose Pepe 10 Years of Service

Resolution 860 Support the Welcoming and Inclusive Community Pledge

Resolution 859 Commitment of Funds to Capital Projects

Resolution 858 Sale of Park District Land to Non-Government Agency

Ordinance 857 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 856 Travel Reimbursement Policy Ordinance

Ordinance 855 Naming/Renaming Parks and Facilities Policy Ordinance

Ordinance 854 Tax Levy Ordinance

Ordinance 853 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 852 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 851 Commitment of Funds to Capital Projects

Ordinance 850 Prevailing Wage 2016

Ordinance 849 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 848 Authorize Executive Director to Approve Change Orders

Ordinance 847 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Ordinance 846 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 845 Statement Recognizing the Value of Glencoe Beach

Ordinance 844 Tax Levy Ordinance

Ordinance 843 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 842 Truth in Taxation Law

Resolution 841 Glencoe Youth Services Holmes Warming House Lease

Resolution 840 Marsha Cohen 15 Years of Service

Ordinance 839 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 838 Dan Barchenger Retirement Commemoration

Ordinance 837 Land Transfer from Village of Glencoe

Ordinance 836 Donation and Naming Rights Agreement

Resolution 835 Carol Mensinger 15 Years of Service

Resolution 834 Reserve Change

Ordinance 833 Prevailing Wage

Resolution 832 BMO Harris Bank Resolution

Resolution 831 Rick Bold Retirement Commemoration

Resolution 830 Commissioner Service - Robert Kimble

Resolution 829 Commissioner Service - Hilary Lee

Ordinance 828 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Ordinance 827 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 826 Community Center Capital to General Fund Transfer

Resolution 825 IMRF Fund Transfer

Ordinance 824 Surplus Property Disposal

Ordinance 823 Parameters Ordinance

Ordinance 822 Tax Levy Ordinance

Resolution 821 Truth in Taxation Law

Ordinance 820 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 819 Commitment of Funds for Future Capital Projects

Ordinance 818 Prevailing Wage

Ordinance 817 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 816 Nick Ingleby 30 Years of Service

Ordinance 815 Budget and Appropriations Ordinance

Resolution 814 2014 ComEd Green Region Program

Resolution 813 NSSRA Leave to Sell Property

Resolution 812 Nancy Symonds Retirement Commemoration

Ordinance 811 Tax Levy Ordinance

Resolution 810 Lorise Weil 10 Years of Service

Resolution 809 Truth in Taxation Resolution

Resolution 808 Rick Bold 35 Years of Service

Ordinance 807 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 806 Access & Landscaping Easement Agreement

Resolution 805 Brad Janis - 15 Year Service

Resolution 804 Fund Transfer for Capital Projects

Ordinance 803 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 802 PMA Securities

Ordinance 801 Prevailing Wage

Resolution 800 Harris Bank Resolution

Ordinance 799 Surplus Property Disposal

Resolution 798 Commissioner Service Resolution - Trent P. Cornell

Resolution 797 Commissioner Service Resolution - Maxine Lans Retsky

Ordinance 796 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance

Resolution 795 Bill Eldridge 25 Years of Service

Resolution 793 Natalia Marinovska - 10 Years of Service

Resolution 792 Bank Depository Relationship

Ordinance 791 Surplus Property Disposal

Bid Information & Awards

04-18-23 Apparel Bid and Award 2023-24

03-21-23 Lakefront Park Tennis Court and Playground Project Bid and Award

03-21-23 Landscape Maintenance Labor Bid and Award

02-21-23 Comprehensive Plan Bids and Award

12-20-22 Watts Recreational Center Project Bids and Awards 2 of 2

11-15-22 Watts Recreational Center Project Bids and Awards 1 of 2

09-13-22 Tree Maintenance Bid and Award

07-19-22 Beach House Windows and Masonry Bid and Award

07-19-22 Community Hall Audio/Video Bid and Award

06-21-22 Ice Rink Dasher Board Bid and Award

04-19-22 Apparel Bid and Award 2022-23

03-15-22 Takiff Gym Refinishing Bid and Award

02-15-22 Takiff Air Conditioners Bid and Award

01-18-22 Pier Renovation Bid and Award

04-20-21 Asphalt-Pathway Resurfacing Bid and Award

04-20-21 Conservation-Landscape Maintenance Bid and Award

04-20-21 Tennis Court Color Coating - Crack Fill Bid and Award

04-06-21 Boat House Stairs Bid & Award

04-06-21 Athletic Field Maintenance Bid & Award

03-02-21 Kalk Park Renovation Phase II Bid & Award

02-16-21 South Overlook Repair Bid & Award

07-21-20 Duke Park Renovation Bid & Award

07-21-20 Schuman Overlook Repair Bid & Award

03-17-20 Takiff Center RTU Bid & Award

03-17-20 Takiff Tot Gym Floor Bid & Award

03-17-20 Apparel Bid & Award 2020-2021

09-17-19 Glencoe Beach Halfway House Bid & Award

06-18-19 Takiff Center Early Childhood Play Space Bid & Award

06-18-19 Lakefront Park and Watts Park Asphalt Pathways Bid & Award

05-21-19 Takiff and Watts Centers Exterior Rehabilitation Bid & Award

11-20-18 Brochure Print Bid & Award

10-16-18 Watts Recreation Center HVAC Replacement Bid & Award

06-19-18 Takiff Painting & Abatement Bid & Award

06-19-18 Takiff Center Site Improvements Bid & Award

04-17-18 Apparel Bid & Award 2018

04-17-18 Old Elm, Vernon, and Woodland Parks Playground Bid and Award

03-20-18 Mowing Bid and Award 2018

08-17-17 Takiff Center Improvement Project Bid & Award

08-17-17 Watts Basketball Court Bid and Award

07-18-17 Glencoe Fitness Area & Takiff Registration Desk Bid & Award

05-16-17 Tree Maintenance Bid Results and Award

05-02-17 West Park and Astor Park Playground Bid and Award

03-21-17 Landscaping Bid and Award 2017

10-31-16 Beach Concession Operations RFP & Award

06-21-16 Takiff Roof & Clock Tower Bid and Award

04-19-16 2016 Summer Bus Transportation Bid Notice and Award

04-19-16 Kalk Park Bid Notice and Award

04-19-16 Shelton Park Bid Notice and Award

03-15-16 Melvin Berlin Park Bid Notice and Award

11-06-15 2016 Brochure Printing Bid & Notice

03-20-15 Request for Proposals - Landscape Architect

04-28-14 2014 Tennis/Basketball Court Renovation Bid

04-28-14 2014 15 Passenger Bus Bid

04-22-14 2014 Summer Bus Transportation Bid

02-17-14 2014 Landscape Maintenance Bid Notice

10-04-13 2014 Glencoe Beach Concession Operation

04-09-13 2013 Friends Bid Results

03-21-13 2013 Landscape Maintenance Bid

03-19-13 Friends Park Invitation for Bid

03-19-13 Friends Park Bid Notice