Potential Dog Park Sites Discussed
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
The Glencoe Park District Committee of the Whole met on May 7, 2019 to discuss the feasibility of a Dog Park in Glencoe. The committee reviewed the process so far and determined that there was community support for a dog park based comments at the community meeting and e-mail correspondence. They also determined that a dog park falls within the Mission and Vision of the Glencoe Park District.
The Committee then began discussion on a possible site for a dog park. Based on information gathered, the Board eliminated sites that have established uses or District-sponsored activities and/or have sensitive environmental habitats.
The Committee then set other site selection criteria for a dog park site that include:
- Site should not directly abut a residence and should have some sort of landscape or physical buffer
- Assure that there is availability of close parking
- Avoid locations that have the entrance to the dog park near a children’s play area
- Choose spots where there are minimal impacts on the visual character of a park
- Look at the activity of the park to avoid areas that are too congested
- If there is an existing amenity on the property, consider if it could be moved to another parcel should this be the best location for a dog park
The following sites were eliminated from consideration:
Takiff Park, Friends Park, Berlin Park, Woodlawn Park, Old Elm Park, West Park, Watts Athletic Fields, Glencoe Beach – In season, Kalk Park, Veterans Memorial Park, Vernon Playground and Everly Wildflower Sanctuary. The committee also spoke to the fact that Turnbull Woods is owned and operated by the Cook County Forest Preserve and at this time they are not interested in partnering with the Park District for a Dog Park at that location.
After viewing all possible sites owned by the Glencoe Park District the Committee narrowed down the choices to six possible sites to explore further. Those sites are:
- Park 7n and 8n, located at the intersection of Old Green Bay Road and Maple Hill Road
- Park 3n “Sunken Park”, located east of Old Green Bay Road and north of Dennis Lane
- Watts Park, not including the athletic fields, located at 461 Jackson Avenue
- Shelton Park, located at 251 Harbor Avenue; focus on southwest portion of the park
- Park 21s2 and 22s, adjacent to the Linden House; located at Linden and Jackson avenues
- Park 10s, located at Green Bay Road and South Avenue
The Board then directed staff to form a community task force made of residents that are for and against a dog park to further evaluate the sites. This task force will begin in June with a goal to present their findings to the Board in three months. The Task Force should be limited to ten members to facilitate discussion. The Board will accept applications until May 31, 2019, and will then choose the members.