Important Information anyone may request information from the Glencoe Park District by postal mail, electronic-mail, online or in person.

FOIA Request Options

The Glencoe Park District Freedom of Information Act Officers:

Erika Doroghazi, Administrative Manager

999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL
(847) 835-7531

Lisa Sheppard, Executive Director
999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL
(847) 835-7530

Your tax investment

As a local government agency, the Glencoe Park District is supported by community tax dollars. Glencoe residents allocate a small percentage of their annual tax bill to the Park District. The Tax Breakdown Chart below illustrates the 2023 tax allocations. The Real Estate Tax Bill Calculation demonstrates the dollar amount allocated to the Park District from a sample Glencoe household property tax bill.

2023 Tax Breakdown Chart 2023 Sample Real Estate Tax Bill Calculation

FY 24-25 Financial Documents

Summary Budget Information

Budget Narrative Memo 

FY 23-24 Financial Documents

Summary Budget Information

Budget Narrative Memo 

Glencoe Park District Financial Audit

Other Financial Documents


Effective January 1, 2013, the Public Funds Statement Publication Act no longer requires publication of the Annual Statement of Receipts and Disbursements (i.e. Annual Treasurer's Report) if the following is met:

  1. An audit has been made by a certified public accountant
  2. A report of such audit has been filed with the County Clerk
  3. A notice of availability of the audit report is published one time in the an English language newspaper published in the District in which the public officer hold his or her office.


In accordance with IL Public Act 0097-0609, the Glencoe Park District will provide an itemized compensation report for all employees who have a compensation package over $75,000. To request this information, contact (847) 835-3030.


In 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act 101-0504. The law requires the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) to post employer costs and participation information on its website. This includes information pertaining to the Glencoe Park District. IMRF updates these reports annually. Click here to view the reports.

Pursuant to Section 18-50.2 of the Illinois Property Tax Code (35 ILCS 200/18-50.2), the Glencoe Park District is required to make a good faith effort to collect and electronically publish certain data from all vendors and subcontractors doing business with the Park District.

Vendors may download the following forms for electronic submission:

To view the Vendor Report for 2024, please click below: