Emergency Closing Information

If it becomes necessary to close our facilities and/or cancel programs due to inclement weather, and/or problems such as a power failure, etc., to protect the safety of our participants, the announcement will be posted on the Park District website and/or the inclement weather hotline (847) 835-3030 as soon as possible. The announcement will also be emailed to current program participants.

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Please know that if School District # 35 closes for inclement weather, all Park District programs, with the exception of Children's Circle and Kids Club, will be canceled. Weather, road conditions and school availability will be evaluated to determine if programs will be held. A decision to cancel programs will be made by the following times:

  • 7 AM: All Morning Programs, Camps, and Preschool (ELC and GJK)
  • 10 AM: All Afternoon Programs
  • 3 PM: All Evening Programs