Every Day Outside
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
The average child spends 1,200 hours per year on passive screen time!
Let’s work together to match that with 100 days outside this summer. The concept at the core of this movement is simple - the amount of time kids spend outside ‘actually matters’, though you may not hear this very often. A childhood flooded with nature time benefits kids (and adults) in untold ways. However, the spirit behind it is one of encouragement - not competition. Every Day Outside is about striving for engaged time outside, and that looks different from one family to the next. That’s the beauty of nature play; it works for any age and any stage, in any outdoor environment. No matter what, we promise you’ll never regret committing to making memories outside.
When you sign up for the Every Day Outside Summer Challenge, we'll help you prioritize outdoor play with a welcome kit filled with activities, bi-monthly emails packed with ideas, and special FREE outdoor events just for participants. Every child that spends 100 days outside will get a special prize!