FOIA Request Form

Freedom of Information Act Officers

Erika Doroghazi, Administrative Manager, 847-835-7531

Lisa Sheppard, Executive Director, 847-835-7530

Options for Requests

Four Options to File a Freedom of Information Act Request at Glencoe Park District:

  1. Fill out the online form below.
  2. Email the request to both Erika Doroghazi and Lisa Sheppard at the emails listed above. The pdf form is not required, however all information on this form is required to be included in the emailed request.
  3. Drop the form at the registration desk located at Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL 60022
  4. Mail the form to: Attn: FOIA Request, Glencoe Park District, 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL 60022

Additional Information:

  • Mailed or in-person requests: Mailed and in-person requests will be date/time stamped.
  • Emailed and online requests: Emailed and online requests are date/time stamped within the software.
  • All response deadlines will be set according to the date/time the request is received.
  • For more information or questions, please call/email either of the FOIA officers above or visit

Online FOIA Request Form

Embedding Form FOIA Request Form