305 Randolph Street
Glencoe, IL
Glencoe, IL
- ADA-Accessible
- Basketball Courts
- Before/After-School Care
- Ice Center
- Recreation Programs
- Restrooms
- Room Rentals
- Seasonal Pickleball Courts
The ice center contains 2 lighted, outdoor, refrigerated ice rinks. There are 2 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, soccer fields and the tot lot is near South School. Renovations on Watts will begin soon! Learn More
Tennis and Pickleball Residents and Tennis Instructors are required to purchase a permit if they wish to teach private/semi-private lessons on Park District tennis courts. This is limited to 3 or fewer students. The permit is $200 for the season. Instructors must provide an approved Certificate of Insurance. Court reservations are required to guarantee court time.
To apply for a permit, please contact Shannon Stevens (847-835-7559). Learn More